The Coordinator-General's conditions of approval for the Legacy Way Project (Appendix 2, Parl 2, Section 9) require Brisbane City Council to appoint an lndependent Community Liaison Representative (ICLR) to:
- act as an independent observer of the project, including the community consultation program
- be directly available to the community
- the greatest extent, resolve community complaints not resolved by the project's complaints process.
Talk to the Transcity project team first to try to genuinely resolve your issue or concern - to contact them phone 1800 778 772. Make sure you tell Transcity what you want to happen. Do you want a response to a call or an email, feedback on a suggestion, a change to the way things are being done, a different decision, or an explanation or apology?
Contact the ICLR if you believe Transcity has not:
- been sufficiently responsive to your issue or concern
- satisfactorily resolved your issue or concern.
To help the ICLR understand your issue, you will need to provide:
- your name, address, telephone and an email address if available
- a concise statement about the circumstances that led to the issue, outlining who was involved, what happened and why you are dissatisfied
- steps you have taken to resolve the issue and the result
- copies of any relevant paper work
- the result you are seeking.
What the IGLR can do
The ICLR will make an assessment of your issue, usually within 24 hours, and consider how to move forward. ln most cases the ICLR will need to talk to Transcity for clarification and to obtain information.
ln some cases, the ICLR will talk to the independent Environmental Management Representative (EMR) to obtain specific environmental information.
ln some cases, if both parties agree, the ICLR may facilitate mediation, which is an informal dispute settlement process run by the ICLR, a trained mediator, who will bring the relevant parties together to work towards a resolution.
lf it appears Transcity has not complied with the Coordinator-General's conditions of approval or the approved Communication and Community Engagement Plan, the ICLR will immediately liaise with the EMR, Transcity and Council and, if needed, make recommendations to Council and/or Transcity.
Legacy Way Community Liaison Groups (CLG)
The ICLR works with Transcity to facilitate the project's CLGs.
The ICLR's responsibilities include:
- chairing CLG meetings
- preparing meeting agendas, with input from CLG members
- reviewing meeting minutes before they are distributed to CLG members and posted on the project's website.
Phone: 1800 769 279 (freecall)
Visit: Make an appointment to meet at the
Legacy Way Visitors' Centre
Level 2, 80 Jephson Street, Toowong
Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 4.00pm
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